24, 1984
Grandview Nursing Home, Canoga Park, California, Earth
Mr. Hoo Nun's room
Hoo Nun studied the nurse’s expression as he finished his narration.
She stood alone with him in the room. It was well past her shift
end and the other nurse had long since left. Mr. Hoo Nun said the
last few words of the story slowly, waiting, watching, “The ruins,
like a silent witness to all that had transpired, fell asleep once
more.” Then he saw it: the glint in her eye and the slight tug
of a smile on the corners of her mouth. “Since you seem so
patient to listen to an old man’s babbling, I’ll let you in on a
secret.” He nodded towards seven spiral notebooks at his
bedside. "There’s more, if you want to read them. I
have very good penmanship. It should be easy to read.”
I’d love to.” With a curt nod and a, “Thank you,” she
picked up two notebooks titled “Chapter 2: The Salmonil” and
“Chapter 3: The Way of the Erdi Desert.” She flipped through
the first notebook and slipped them under her arm with another book she
grabbed from the cart, her anthropology book. She had finished her
nursing degree but wanted to take some fun courses. She and her
husband had signed up for a dig in the summer and she wanted to be ready
for it. Stories of origins fascinated her. “Oh no,” she
said looking at her watch. “I didn’t realize how late it was.
My husband will be wondering where I am. Thanks again for the
stories, the first one was ... interesting.” She smiled and
headed for the door.
the way,” he added, making her pause and turn, “I didn’t catch
your name.”