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Another voice from the old school of thought spoke up, the chieftain of the Navarray.  “Gray Wolf, what about the Andril Kingdom.  I have heard that, though King Leonid is dead, the barons may anoint another king.  Their army is still strong.  We would have to muster at least a third of our forces to advance against them.”

Araknik closed his eyes, shook his head, and waved him off.  “They are of no consequence.”  Araknik looked up at another general who nodded back.  “I have taken care of the Andril.  We can count on their petty squabbling and baron’s lust for power.  They will not remain as a single kingdom for long.”  He said kingdom with such a sneer that one would think the word left a horrible taste in his mouth.  He looked around at all of them, took a deep breath, and announced with that finality that means the kurultai has ended, “It is agreed then.  Let us set our eyes firmly on the Northwest, but only as a raid to test their strength.  We shall see if the Andril are still more fit for the hunt than the Samar.  General Gari, send only a tithe of your force.  Root them out like a cornered haochi, but don’t kill them.  Not yet.  I shall accompany you and we shall take back the region we lost a generation ago to the cowardice of diplomacy.”

As kurultai concluded, a man came into the tent.  He did not wear the traditional warrior’s sel, but the garb of an Andril merchant.  He stood on the threshold awaiting acknowledgment.  All eyes turned to him.  Araknik waved him in and he approached the council quickly.  He bent over to whisper something to his lord.  Araknik cocked his head to one side and squinted.

“Endvar?” he asked the strangely dressed man. 

The man backed up and nodded.  “I would not lie to the Gray Wolf,” he said. 

Amazement mixed with anger filled Araknik’s face.  Then in a voice like the snarling spit of a leopard, he declared, “What perfect timing.  We have found him.  The traitor has been found.”


*          *            *            *


Interlude 2


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Last updated: October 21, 2000.