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Koric shrugged.  “Company orders,” he said.

“I’m the last to know.  The spear men are the first into battle, but the last to know,” quoted the rookie.

Koric chortled.  “You’re not the first into battle, we are.”

The spearman looked at him as if he were week-old leftovers.  “I do not call sending 150 scouts two by two to interrogate cattle and old women battle.”

Koric put one hand on the man’s shoulder and the other on his knife strapped to his waist, standard issue for a scout.  “If we don’t verify strategic points of conquest, you could be riding into a meat grinder.  Imagine an ambush of thousands of knights hiding in the mountains as you pass.  They are heavily armed and well trained.  They have nameless and terrible weapons.  They might even use some of the lost arts and,” he leaned close to the spear man’s ear with a sneer, “they might even have tamed Koraxes.” 

The rookie spearman looked at Koric with fear in his eyes.  “No one’s ever tamed a korax.”

“Do you know that for sure?”  Koric cocked his head to the side with a sly smirk and said quietly, “So try to show a little respect.”

The rookie nodded quickly.

The cook returned with two bowls of vakla, one dry.  Koric took his and returned to Septic who was now asleep among his drunken comrades. 

Koric kicked him.  “Get up.”


Koric kicked him again, “GET UP.”


“I brought you your vakla.”  Koric handed him the bowl and sat down next to him.

Septic propped himself up and stirred at the morsel with his little finger.  “Hey!  It’s dry!”  Even in his stupor he could tell.

Koric shrugged.  “It’s all they had.  Eat it.”

Septic gnawed at the tender parts the best he could and smacked his parched lips.  He glanced at Koric who was staring at the crowd.  “Hey, so do you think Araknik’s going to take command?”

“You mean over the old order?  I hope so. Did you see what happened when the carnasil attacked him?”

“Yeah.”  Septic leaned over to him and whispered, “He’s using one of the lost arts, I bet.”

Koric glared at him.  “No kidding.  That’s what we need.”

“Here,” said Septic handing him the bowl.  “I don’t want anymore.”  He leaned back and fell asleep.

Koric smiled to himself.  He took he leftovers and ate it greedily.  That’s how he liked it, dry.   

*          *            *            *

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Last updated: October 21, 2000.